Completing the Dye Shed
We've had a series of postponements getting the timbers here and erected. They are all cut and should be coming this week. Andy said it would only take about 4 days to put the timbers up.

The dye shed nears completion
They were supposed to begin today but Andy's (the timber frame guy) wife had a freak accident and is in the hospital. She will be all right but required surgery. Although the timbers are not up, we have made some progress. We put up the sign acknowledging all those who helped and are helping in so many ways. My sister, Lisa, and brother-in-law, Don, here from Nova Scotia, helped put the sign up.

and gets its finishing touches !
We also picked up the cupola, which will go on top of the barn at the ridge, and the weathervane, which is a gift from Lisa, Don, and my brother, Bob. The dyeshed is getting outfitted and I expect to do some dyeing the end of the week since my weld is almost mature.

I will post the timbers as they go up but if you're in the area, I suspect you'll see amazing activity at the end of the week.

Thank you to all who are helping us get back on our feet.