Update from the Gardens

Update from the Gardens

We're working with small windows of decent garden work conditions this year and when we get those tiny windows, we go for it.  We had enough time without rain at the beginning of last week for the top soil to start to dry up.  That allowed me to harness up Star and Andy to prep the garden that will house our cabbage, brussels, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, carrots, and beets for the autumn.  It also allowed Liz and I to team up with Star and cultivate between the rows of potatoes.  It was the first time we had used the horse drawn walk behind cultivator, and it worked like a charm.  The sweet corn has popped up in the garden down by the road, and the sweet pea vines have started to put our their sweet smelling blossoms.  Enjoy the drive up the driveway the next time you roll in.  The buttercups and daisies are having the time of their lives in the hayfields.

1 comment

  • Diane Plourde

    Hi Shepsi & Liz!

    Quick note to say that if you have a chance to take Harbor & Cedar to the Milbridge Museum & Historical Society, I think they will enjoy this summer’s exhibit. The theme is farming & logging. My Dad (who died in March) designed and made many miniatures of barn, camp, logging & other types of horse-drawn sleds, oxen-drawn hand plow, and more. There are many other local farming-related pieces. All hands-on encouraged! Open Sat/Sun in June; Tues, Sat/Sun in July & August.
    I can’t go to the Farmers’ Mkt on Tuesday so will stop at the farm.
    See ya!

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