Update From The Gardens

Update From The Gardens

Lots of rain and cold this spring has meant that garden preparation and planting has been a challenge.  The frost was late to leave the ground, creating a great deal of sitting water and muddy scenarios.  When the sun has come out and the soil has dried just enough, we have had to prep and plant like mad.  This has been a big couple of weeks of planting.  Potatoes, Winter and Summer Squash, Green Beans, Asparagus, and Raspberries have all gone in just before the soil moisture envelope closed in from yet another rainy day or two.  I saw my first potato plant and asparagus plant emerging just this afternoon.  Planting small seeds in finer seed beds has been impossible, so we have been relying heavily on our hoop houses for planting things like lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots...

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